Friday, July 5, 2013

Tips On Choosing The Best: Reverse Mortgage With A Monthly Cash Flow Or An Income Annuity?

Money is part of our daily living and it is very important. It is important to know how much available cash an asset can provide because your retirement income is based mainly on this. You should be able to access your money to be able to support your daily needs especially when you get old and unemployed. Most senior citizens or retirees look for extra income in a reverse mortgage. Check out reverse mortgage information for more details.

A monthly payment is not required in a reverse mortgage therefore, it can help you preserve your money and increase your monthly cashflow. It is up to you on how you can claim your money, it can be through a line of credit, as a regular income flow, as a lump sum or any combination of the above.

Which is best a direct regular payout or a reverse mortgage which can provide you with extra income annuity or even a lifetime issued by an insurance company? This is the most common dilemma of the borrowers who are looking for a stable cash flow. Which of the two options should you choose?

Which of the two is best for you when you retire? Let us look at both closely since both have advantages for you when you retire.

The source of the funds is the first thing that you should consider when you are choosing between a reverse mortgage and an income annuity. Your home is the source of fund of a reverse mortgage.When you transfer to another country or another house, your income stops.

If you choose an income annuity, the source of money is cash. A  lifetime of cash or in a guaranteed number of years is what you get in an income annuity. It is not linked to your home since it is purchased with cash. It is alright if you sell or move to another house since it will not affect your income.

For unhealthy seniors or borrowers, there is a higher income amount since it is based on the life expectancy of the individual and their specific ailments.

The income that you receive is based on your home and ownership when it comes to reverse mortgage. You can get the cash if you want to stop receiving an income from reverse mortgages.

A reverse mortgage officer will guide you and show you the amounts and the quotes. There are a lot of insurance companies and it is best if you compare their quotes and amounts before choosing the right one. Each insurance company vary from one another so check as many insurance companies as you can before choosing.

As you finish reading this article, you will know that both are good options. Do you assignment to find out which will suit you well.
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